Monday, September 3, 2012

Two more...two more... two more

AHHHHHH!  Somehow the time has passed soooo quickly. I feel like I just started training and now I'm just a little over a month away. Where did the time go?

The past week or two have been much better emotionally and I think I might be over that hump of training. I'm beginning to think I'll actually be able to do this and am excited... well, probably more excited to get it over with than to actually run it.  But, excited none-the-less.

This weekend what was left of Hurricane Isaac made it's way across the mid-west and into St. Louis. According to the forecast it was going to storm ALL day with a 100% chance of rain every single hour on Saturday. After stressing out and becoming a nervous wreck that I wouldn't get my 18 miler in on Saturday, I realized Monday was a holiday so worse case scenario, I'd do it then. Of course, I woke up Saturday morning to sunny skies and was angry I didn't push through as planned. Mainly I was angry that the 18 miler would hang over my head for another day. I resolved to do my long run Sunday come hell or high water!

Sunday I woke up and it was cooler and overcast... PERFECT! I headed out the door towards Tower Grove to swing by one of my friend's house as she joined me for the 6 miles. I'm so unbelievably blessed to have such supportive friends that are willing to keep my company. Since she was with me, I definitely went slower and was more relaxed than I normally would have been, but I'd rather have the distraction than be a few minutes faster. After running around the Tower Grove/Shaw neighborhood I headed to Forrest Park. Somehow I managed to not plan a route so I free styled my way through 18 miles. Once at the park I HAD to stop and use the restroom; I'm not exactly sure how restroom breaks will work out at the marathon, but it looks like one will be necessary. Up to this point it wasn't necessarily raining, but with the humidity around 140% and I was soaked.

The first 14 miles were pretty pleasant; I really didn't start hurting till around mile 14 or so as I went up the slow, long hill on Skinker. I pushed through and soon I was at mile 16 which was my previous longest run. Something came over me at this point and I uncontrollably started chanting "two more miles. two more. two more. two more." I promise I couldn't help myself and I'm sure if anyone would have been around a padded van would have come up to take me to the mental ward. I really wanted to stop and either walk the entire way or call a friend to come and get me. Actually, I had already worked out the whole conversation in my head and knew who I would call. Fear of their judgement pushed me on. Finally I heard the lovely words of my dear app friend say I had reached mile 17. With just one more mile to go, I knew I could make it and was actually just about exactly 1 mile from my home. As I crossed Hampton I ran one last time before giving up and walking the hill to my apartment. At mile 17.98 I grabbed my phone exhaustedly hoping to be done.

I WAS DONE! 18 miles finished... the longest run of my life. I wasn't excited about my time, but I think with the excitement of race day I'll actually make it in time. Every single time I run further I wonder how in the world I'll add another 8 miles (in this case). But, I can remember back to my first half marathon and my longest run of 10 miles. I would think then "how in the world am I going to add another 3 miles." Hopefully the same will be true on October 7.

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