Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Grace with Discipline

This last week or so I've been giving myself much more grace when it came to my training schedule. I feel like the bulk of it is over and I can't do much at this point to really help. And, I'm extremely tired and my legs just can't do it anymore. But, there comes a point where giving yourself grace turns into an excuse to be lazy.

This morning was exactly that. The schedule called for 10 miles. TEN MILES! That's not the long run... that's the mid-week run! CRAZY! I knew there was no possible way I would be able to wake up and get out the door by 5 am, but even at 6:30 I couldn't myself get up. My head just kept telling me "give yourself some grace, you're tired, you've trained enough for this, sleep!"

Where does grace stop and discipline begin?

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