Monday, September 10, 2012

Grace Upon Grace

I have done a really good job training for the Chicago marathon. Not a perfect job, but a really good job. Just to boast a little on myself, I have skipped a total of three runs the entire time (this does not count the week I was in Haiti and of course couldn't run).

I realize how much I trust my training and how much my body is used to it. Because of the storms two weekends ago, I rearranged my long run thinking it wasn't going to be a big deal. Really it shouldn't have been, but my body is just so used to the routine and I couldn't recover.

Last week I was scheduled to do 5, 9, 5 and 14 miles, but I had to skip one because of my rescheduling. I figured I'd just skip one of the 5 milers and be on my way. I tried twice to do that and my legs just weren't having it. They were exhausted. And, not the "I just need to push through" exhausted, but the "you're risking injury" exhausted. So, Saturday morning when I was prepared to run 14 miles, I quit. It's the first time I've ever in my life quite in the middle of a long run. To be fair I figured I'd do 14 on Sunday. I would have... probably... if I didn't stay out till 1 am and then work all day.

I've decided I'm tired and my body needed the break. Realizing that I have trained to the best of my ability and that missing one long run on a cut back week won't hurt me too much. I also realized that I should forget about the miss and concentrate on my last long run before Chicago. So, that's exactly what I'm doing; giving myself grace and looking towards Saturday's 20 miler.

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