Monday, September 17, 2012

It's Happening!

Sometimes when you've been looking forward to something for so long you forget that it is actually going to happen. Or, you begin to think it's always a long ways away. Like when you register for a marathon 9 months before the actual marathon.

Back in February when I registered it seemed like October 7th would never come. But, now that I am a few weeks away, it seems like it's speedily approaching. How does time do that?!

This past weekend was my last "long" run. This was the day I saw approaching and was fearful of... 20 miles! If I could do this one, I could do the marathon. Guess what folks?! I did it!

The first 10 miles flew by! I felt great except I got really hungry. My stomach didn't really like me that morning so I didn't want to eat anything. So, by around mile 8.5/9 I was starving and knew I had to eat something or I wouldn't finish. I texted a friend and asked if they were home to put a banana on their front porch. Odd message to receive I imagine. When they didn't have one, I simply headed up to use the restroom and eat a light snack. Confession: I sat down to eat the banana. As I was eating, I got a text "the kids and I will totally pass you small cups of water and cheer you on if you give us the heads up if you run by our house! We can even try to talk with Chicago accents and say things like 'da bears' as you run by :)" I LOVE LIVING WITHIN COMMUNITY!! How could I pass up this offer?!

I gave them a heads up and headed straight to their house! It was beyond cute to turn the corner and see three little ones jumping with paper cups of water. I took one, down it, threw it on the ground and grabbed the others. Of course, I stood and chatted for a few minutes before finishing up the last 9 miles. By that time, I didn't want to be doing it anymore. I was sick of running. I feel like I could have pushed myself harder, but I just didn't want to. My stomach still didn't feel right and I was overall tired. I through and finished at 5 hours 20 minutes. Which is REALLY slow! But, that time gave me a lot of confidence because I knew I didn't push myself as hard as I could have. I knew that with the crowd and energy of the race that I'll be able to finish the Chicago Marathon under time.

As soon as I finished I had to hop in the shower in order to get to the office and meet our painter. I had  few hours of rest before church, but I was still surprised I wasn't getting sore. That night I went to church and my legs were really tired, but I was able to stand for most of church even though I really, REALLY wanted to be sitting.

The next day I spent the whole day walking around Six Flags with friends with no problem. I really couldn't believe I was able to do it. And, really I'm not exactly sure how I wasn't sore or tired or anything! Today I feel really normal and almost anxious to burn some energy.

To add fuel to the fire in my belly, this little booklet came in the mail today....AHHHH it's actually happening!!

Anyone else surprised how quickly this is coming?!
Are you ready?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Katie, I started running again for the first time in a few years recently. I'm not planning a marathon or anything, but its been fun to follow along your journey. I'm excited for you to complete your goal! Good luck! - Katie Nelson