Friday, January 28, 2011

Small reminders...

I'm a sucker for a good theme.  I love having stuff around me reminding me of the goal I've set for myself.  And, the Disney Princess Half Marathon has done just that.  My room may look like the room of  a three year old girl, but man do I feel motivated to train for this race.

I'm heading to Disney with a group of about 10 (3 or which are seriously training for the half).  To keep us all motivated I bought us each little tiara Christmas tree ornaments and had my mom embroider towels with a little tiara and the words "Go run your Princ-ass off" She made me another one for Christmas that says "You are running your Princ-ass off"

For Christmas my mom also got me this tiara to wear at the race.  As you know, I'm not positive about wearing it in fear that I'll get angry and throw it to the ground around mile 6.  Funny enough a few days after I opened this present I was babysitting for a friend and her little 3 year old daughter came bouncing down the stairs holding a box.  I opened it and it was the exact same tiara!  Her parents just mocked me as I explained I got the same thing for Christmas.
My roommate got me this little block decoration.  I love it cause it is still appropriate to have in my room long after the race (as apposed to the pink fluffy tiara above).

Other items which remind me and push me to keep running include a tiara charm I wear as a necklace and the recent purchase of a mickey mouse glass that will land in my office.

What are you using to motivate you to keep training?


Rebecca said...

how cute!!

I wish I had a friend like you!

Anonymous said...

Such a cute towel set! Where did you find the tiaras at? My daughter is a princess in training too and would love those!

Katie said...

I got the tiara ornaments at Target last year. They were simply perfect! Best of luck to your's a fabulously awesome race!!