Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Signs from Chicago Marathon

I'm so happy some random stranger tweeted some of the best signs along the Chicago Marathon route. They were awesome and such a needed distractions.

Mile 3: "The end is NOT near."
Mile 4: "Run faster, I'm bored." "worst parade ever."
Mile 5: "Your training lasted longer than Kim Kardashian's marriage!"
Mile 7: "Why is everyone in such a hurry?"
Mile 8: "Don't worry, this race will be measured in Paul Ryan time." Paul Ryan took an hour of of his marathon time.
Mile 9: "Run faster, there are zombies behind you."
Mile 10: "Status update: kicking ass."
Mile 11: "The Kenyans went that way."
Mile 12: "You have great stamina! Call me maybe?"
Mile 13: "Hurry up, the Bears play at 3!"
Mile 14: "WTF: Where's the Finish?!"
Mile 16: "26.2 miles...because 26.3 would be crazy!"
Mile 17: "Motivational sign."
Mile 18: "Just remember: right, left, right, left, repeat."
Mile 19: "Those shorts make your butt look FAST."
Mile 20: "Longest game of tag ever."
Mile 21: "Ibuprofen Appreciation Society"
Mile 22: "Shit just got real."
Mile 23: "My arms are tired, how are your legs?"
Mile 24: "Run to save Big Bird!"
Mile 25: "The marathon is your bitch! You've got this!"
Mile 26: "Channel your inner Kenyan!"

ps... I full marathon report is forth coming. I just have to get back in the swing of things in life and work. Oh! and I need to regain the full use of my legs. But, I FINISHED!! I am a marathoner! And, I'll never do that again!!

1 comment:

Brenna Schwert said...

Mile 23 = my sign!

Congrats :)