Thursday, October 4, 2012

Intentional Relationships

Confession: I'm horrible at relationships.

I'm not so good at pursuing relationships with my existing friends let alone new ones. Unless we meet often or schedule time together in advance, I just forget; as bad as that sounds, I really just forget. Time passes so fast and all of a sudden I realize I haven't see someone in months. I try to tell myself it's not because I don't love them. Really, I love them so much and would do anything for them (whoever it is).

Earlier this year my boss resigned; I saw it coming, but still it was sad to see him go. He's a great man of God, a stable force in an unstable environment, and an overall amazing boss. As our time together whined down and our meetings became fewer and fewer, I knew for us to still have a relationship, we'd now have to be intentional.

Last night (reason this post is a little late) was senior night for his oldest girl. I've been looking forward to watching her play for some time and last night's game didn't disappoint. Em is a great player and young woman and it's a joy to get to watch her on the court.

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