I decided to make the best out of my plans getting all messed up by leaving crazy early in order to get to one of my favorite Chicago-area churches. After a side trip to Enterprise at O'Hare, I walked in just in time to take a seat and enjoy their service. Man, do those people know how to worship! It was amazing to be surrounded by people excited to be worshiping God. I caught myself with tears at one point out of joy of being part of God's family.
I sat behind one of the elders who were sitting by his wife and a friend with a baby. At one point the baby needed changing. I watched, nearly in shock, as the pastor offered and went and changed the dirty diaper (the diaper of a child that's not his). After they returned the baby started fussing and he again left and calmed the baby in the back so the mother could sit and enjoy the service. I was blown away by his selflessness, care, and support for his friend. But, then again, that's how these guys are; they model for their church exactly what it means to sacrifice first and most for their families and church. They serve each other and the church humbly, sacrificially, and wisely. I'm glad I sacrificed the few hours of sleep to make it there.
After church it was off to the wedding... a Sunday afternoon wedding. Weird. In the middle of the ceremony the best man started to look a little sick. Finally someone from the back walked up just in time to get him off the stage before he passed out. The ceremony went on without a hitch. I've always heard about this happening, but never actually saw it for myself.
Not to be out done, the bride started getting sick at the reception. Somehow everyone pulled it together and accomplished every stereotypical wedding reception task there is. When the dancing finally started the dj took center stage. He made every single person (and I mean every single person) get out on the dance floor so he could teach us all the moves he made up to the song...for every song!!
My sister-in-law and I quickly made our way to the restroom somewhere in the middle of the second one. And, after hiding out during the bouquet toss, I couldn't take any more mandatory fun and quickly said my good-byes and headed to my hotel room in the city.
Monday the plan was to do anything I wanted. First order of business... run! I was suppose to do 4.5 miles, but because it's Chicago I did 6.5 unknowingly.
Right around here I convinced myself that St. Louis needed a gigantic lake as well.
Then it was off to the Art Institute. This was one that I'd always meant to go to, but I'm much better at museums by myself. I'm selfish like that and want to go at my own pace. I spent two hours meandering through each room confirming the fact that I don't get modern art and falling in love with impressionist art from Monet to Vincent Van Gogh.
No trip to Chicago is complete for me without a stop at Ikea. Sadly I learned going to Ikea about two months after moving is the optimal time. Last trip I'd been in my new place just days and had no clue what I actually needed. Not this time! I went in for just a couple of items and walked out with two gigantic bags full of goodies.
By God's grace I survived another family weekend. Today at the office I was telling my co-workers all about the trip and what happened. One of the guys nailed it on the head when he said "Oh! I've become that bitter about going to weddings too." I think I have some repenting to do.